
Member since: 2024.01.29
INSPIRE Consortium
About (in English)
Senior researcher and consultant in Gender and Development, with more than 20 years of professional experience. After specialising in Asylum and Refuge issues, she started working in the Third Sector in 2001. Knowledgeable and experienced in gender issues (Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Development Relations), since 2003 she focuses her interests in all that deals with gender and its intersection with other areas of life, such as political participation, structural change, cooperation for development, GBV, migration, or public policies.
Masters Degree in Social Anthropology (University of Murcia) and in Participatory Research and Local Development (Complutense University of Madrid), she combines her research work in different projects with other international consultancy and training activities. She has work experience in many different public and private institutions, cultural environments and in over 25 countries worldwide. Committed to social development and transformation based on a human rights and feminist approach.
Masters Degree in Social Anthropology (University of Murcia) and in Participatory Research and Local Development (Complutense University of Madrid), she combines her research work in different projects with other international consultancy and training activities. She has work experience in many different public and private institutions, cultural environments and in over 25 countries worldwide. Committed to social development and transformation based on a human rights and feminist approach.
About (other languages)
Consultora e investigadora senior en género y desarrollo, con más de 20 años de experiencia profesional. Especializada primero en Asilo y Refugio, comenzó a trabajar en el Tercer Sector en 2001. Desde 2003, tras realizar un Postgrado en Relaciones de Género y Desarrollo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, trabaja de manera especializada en temas relacionados con el género y su intersección con otros ámbitos de la vida como la participación política, cambio organizacional, desarrollo local y cooperación al desarrollo, políticas públicas, migraciones, derechos sexuales y reproductivos o violencia de género. Actualmente combina la actividad de consultoría y formación con el trabajo de investigación en diferentes proyectos. Con un Máster en Investigación Participativa (UCM) y otro en Antropología Social (Universidad de Murcia), complementa el bagaje teórico con la experiencia y práctica en numerosas instituciones públicas y privadas y en diferentes países y redes de trabajo de Europa, Asia, África y América Latina. Comprometida con la transformación social desde una mirada feminista.
Area of expertise, interest, main activities
feminist methodologies, GBV, structural transformation, participatory action research