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Co-creating knowledge with academics and practitioners across Europe
INSPIRE counts on four thematic Knowledge and Support Hubs set up to provide a forum for academics, experts and practitioners to come together to create cutting edge, practice-based knowledge in our four thematic areas: Sustaining Change, Widening Participation, Intersectionality and Innovation and the Private Sector. Each Knowledge and Support Hub will support three communities of practice (CoPs).
Knowledge and Support Hub 1
Sustaining and deepening change

This hub will identify those challenges related to sustaining institutional change and integrating inclusive gender equality in broader strategic agendas. It will examine resistances, changes in top-management and institutionalisation.   
Led by Radboud University, the Netherlands, Yvonne Benschop & Paola Chaves, & University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Eva Sophia Myers & Liv Baisner Petersen
Knowledge and Support Hub 2
Widening participation

The KSH Widening participation supports creation of GEPs and alternatives in R&I organizations in Europe and Latin America as a way to institutionalise inclusive gender equality policies. It develops support strategies that result from critical reflection on knowledge production, while considering specificities of social and political contexts and building on past experiences and practices.  
Led by Jagiellonian University, Poland, Ewa Krzaklewska, Marta Warat, Ewelina Ciaputa & Paulina Sekuła; ZRC-SAZU, Slovenia, Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, Tjaša Cankar, Iva Kosmos, Ana Hofman, Tanja Petrović, Martin Pogačar; & FLACSO, Argentina, Gloria Bonder

Knowledge and Support Hub 3

This hub will look at how organizations in research and innovation can move from GEPs and EDI interventions to inclusive intersectional GEPs fostering change towards equality.   
Led by Hasselt University, Belgium, Patrizia Zanoni, Koen Van Laer & Joanna Beeckmans and Notus, Spain, Maria Caprile, Lorena Pajares Sánchez, Dalia Argudo
Knowledge and Support Hub 4

This hub will look at gender responsive innovation communities and innovation policies in the private sector paying specific attention to the social and cultural factors enabling a successful implementation of gendered innovations within companies or innovation clusters.   
Led by Fraunhofer ISI, Germany, Susanne Bührer, Carolina Wienand & Maria Karaulova & Joanneum Research, Austria, Sybille Reidl, Florian Holzinger, Helene Schiffbaenker, David Walker & Sara Baranek

Our main research activities to build the evidence base include GEP indicator development, monitoring survey and web-crawl as well as institutional case studies for GEP impact, intersectional EDI and innovation policies
The tools and methods for INSPIRE work
GEP monitoring indicators and survey
GEP monitoring indicators and survey
Design and pilot inclusive GEP monitoring indicators in Europe on the prevalence, key characteristics and impact of GEPs. Launch of GEP monitoring survey targeting EU 27 & associated countries covering research performing organisations as well as research funding organisations. Pioneer the use of a web crawling tool to extract data from websites to see if an organisation has a GEP as well as identify the main topics of the GEP, e.g. recruitment processes, or work-life balance etc.
Extended GEAM tool (private sector & students):
The Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring Tool (GEAM) developed in the ACT project provides a standardised but modular based questionnaire for institutions to use to detect intersecting inequalities. It enables organisations to capture the experiences and perceptions of their employees about working conditions, perceived discrimination, sexual harassment amongst others. INSPIRE will develop a more inclusive version of GEAM with a particular focus on the private sector as well as students in Higher Education.
Extended GEAM tool
Conditions for achieving GEP impact
Conditions for achieving GEP impact (35 case studies):
Provision of a systematic account of enabling and hindering factors for GEP impact through carrying out 35 case studies in Europe. The use of a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) enables us to detect the sufficient and necessary conditions in a certain context that enables sustainable change to happen.
Barriers and facilitating factors intersectional EDI policies (10 case studies):
Developing 10 in-depth case studies to explore how R&I organisations and institutions with relevant experience on gender equality and diversity policies approach intersecting inequalities. Case studies will be based on semi-structured interviews, analysis of key policy documents and non-participant observation.
Barriers and facilitating factors intersectional EDI policies
Regional gender sensitive policies / gendered innovations
Regional gender sensitive policies / gendered innovation policies (4 case studies):
Carrying out 4 multilevel case studies of promising gendered innovation policies. These case studies will focus on research and innovation networks and clusters. A Theory of Change approach will be used to understand the impact pathway and factor in context to the analysis. These case studies will be carried out using desktop research as well as interviews with policymakers, programme managers, practitioners and beneficiaries.