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Expert Profile
Irina Lungu
Irina Lungu

Vice-rector for International Affairs since 2012, professor Ph.D habil. in civil engineering. She developed and implemented 7 national programs for the TUIASI progress of Internationalization at home and abroad. During 2022-2025 she acts as the project coordinator of BI4E – Boosting Ingenium for Excellence, Horizon Europe project, 2020-2023 TUIASI coordinator for SMILE - Social Meaningful Impact through LLL universities in Europe, Erasmus KA3 Project, 2013-2016 TUIASI coordinator for COMMITing to the social dimension in universities LLP - Erasmus Project, infusing the working tools and good practices on the social dimension of TUIASI; 2012-2016 local coordinator for the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects cLINK (Center of excellence for Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge) and 2014-2018 gLINK (Sustainable Green Economies through Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge Exchange) both projects enhancing international partnerships of TUIASI with Asian HEIs to develop teaching, learning and research capacity in a number of thematic areas contributing towards smart green technologies, sustainability, learning and knowledge exchange. 

Prof. Lungu acts as an academic in two programs fully taught in English (Civil Engineering – UG, Structural Engineering – MSc) and as a Ph.D advisor for doctoral students in Sustainable and Risk management in Geotechnical Engineering. She is also an evaluator of educational programs within the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. 

Affiliation – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI), Romania