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Basic terms and concepts for Inclusive Gender Equality


The INSPIRE Glossary has been developed to clarify the terminology related to “inclusive gender equality”. 
What do we mean when we speak about gender equality, diversity, and inclusion from an intersectional perspective in research and innovation?

Refers to “groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis” (Wenger et al., 2002:2). What gives life to CoPs is “thinking together about real-life problems that people genuinely care about” (Pyrko et al., 2016: 403). Three key dimensions define a CoP: shared interest on a domain of practice (domain), mutual engagement (community) and development of a shared repertoire of resources (practice). (Wenger, 2002; ACTonGender, 2019)

The domain of practice is the starting point of any CoP. It refers to a shared concern or interest, what initially motivates people to gather, and forms the knowledge base from which a group chooses to work. The domain comprises of a set of defined issues or problems that forms the purpose of the groups’ activities. A well-defined domain is important as it affirms the purpose and value to members and external stakeholders. The domain keeps the CoP focused and ensure its relevance over time (McDonald & Cater-Steel, 2017; Barnard et al. 2017; ACTonGender, 2019)

Community refers to the group members and the quality and quantity of interactions in the group which create a sense of belonging, of continuity, of being connected to others and to ideas and values. Community relies on mutual engagement: norms and social interactions built by CoP members which lead to the creation of shared meaning on issues or problems. Relationships of mutual engagement bind the CoP members together into a social entity and represent the building blocks in the functioning of the CoP itself. Unlike other social structures that are related to knowledge and learning, CoPs rely on direct and sustained interactions between its members. (Agrifoglio, 2015; Murillo, 2011; Barnard et al. 2017; ACTonGender, 2019)

Practice refers to the results of the CoP in terms of deepened knowledge and expertise and the ways to achieve these results. Deepened knowledge and expertise refer to explicit "know how" and tacit "ways of doing things" that CoP develops in its domain. Over time, CoP members develop a set of shared repertoire of resources that allow them to engage more effectively and strengthen the coherence of CoP activities. Resources may be varied: language, sensibilities, tools, methods, styles, routines, etc. CoPs develop this shared repertoire of resources by sharing practice, mutual learning and thinking together on practice development. (Murillo, 2011; ACTonGender, 2019).

We emphasise a decolonial approach to knowledge production and make it an explicit goal in INSPIRE to take into account multiple histories, to understand possible alternatives to IGEPs, to include different European experiences, as well as gain inspiration from Latin America. By adopting a decolonial approach to knowledge production, practice and policy design we aim to develop and legitimise knowledge, practice and policy systems that are sensitive to differences of political, economic, social and cultural contexts.

Diversity usually refers to the similarities and differences that exist between people linked to personal characteristics such as age, disability, gender, ethnicity, race, indigenous identity/origin, socio-economic status, religion, sexual orientation, language, place of residence, immigration status, among others (International Labour Organisation, 2022; Molefi et al, 2022).   

“Equality focuses on ensuring every person can flourish at work, experiencing equal opportunities and treatment. That is, all persons, regardless of their personal characteristics can participate in and contribute according to their capacity without interference of discrimination or bias.” (International Labour Organisation, 2022). 

Equity is about “taking deliberate actions to remove systemic, group and individual barriers and obstacles that hinder opportunities and disrupt well-being” (Molefi et al, 2021, p5). To promote fairness equity treats people differently dependent on need and circumstances and consideration of historical and systemic inequities. (Molefi et al 2021).  

Although Gender Equality is a contested and travelling notion, with multiple meanings and subject to change, it relates to political struggles and social justice. In Management and Organisational Studies, gender equality refers to equal opportunities, equal outcomes, the advancement and promotion of women and the emancipation or empowerment of women (Lombardo and Verloo 2009). Hence, gender equality means equal visibility, power and participation of women and men and gender non-conforming or non-binary people (Benschop and Verloo 2006). In the European Research Area (ERA), Gender equality relates to three core areas: gender equality in scientific careers (presence); gender balance in decision-making (voice) and integration of gender dimension into the content of research and innovation (process) (Palmén and Müller 2022). (Chaves & Benshop, 2023).

In a broader sense, a GEP refers to a planned change approach to achieve gender equality in a specific organisation or institution. It could be a set of actions aimed at identifying gender inequalities and bias, designing, and implementing measures to correct these, and setting targets and monitoring progress via indicators (EIGE 2016). According to the EU-Horizon Europe, GEPs target visible and invisible inequalities in five core areas of intervention:

  • Organisational culture and work-life balance
  • Social safety
  • Leadership and management
  • Recruitment, selection, and career progression
  • Gender dimension in research and education

Starting in 2022, the European Commission introduced Gender Equality Plans (GEP) as a new eligibility criterion for research organisations and higher education establishments to get access to funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (2021-2027). GEPs are a tool for institutionalising change and could help to achieve structural change. Hence, part of our research is to analyse the results of GEPs and their challenges towards sustaining change. (Chaves & Benshop, 2023).

“Gendered Innovations harness the creative power of sex, gender and intersectional analysis for innovation and discovery. Considering these approaches may add valuable dimensions to research” (Sheibinger et al 2011). Gendered innovations are those innovations in which the gender dimension is integrated into all aspects of the R&D process. These go beyond women’s representation in terms of ‘fixing the numbers’ and attempt to ‘fix the knowledge’ whilst making innovations more inclusive (Karaulova et al, 2023).

The concept of gender mainstreaming emerged first within public policy realm as a principle that all policy actions and legislation should be assessed through implications it has for people of different genders. Gender mainstreaming involves ensuring that gender perspective and goal of gender equality are considered in all policy related activities: analysis and policy development, planning and budgeting, implementation and monitoring of programmes and projects (UN.ORG). In addition, gender mainstreaming as a concept also includes integrating the gender dimension into the content of research and innovation. Gender-sensitive research takes into account the differences between genders in all aspects of the research, from an initial idea, formulating research questions, objectives and methodologies to the outcomes and presentation of results. (Mihajlović Trbovc & Petrović, 2023)

INSPIRE understands “inclusion” primarily as a participatory, transformatory process guided by non-negotiable core values such as feminism, care, social and epistemic justice, fairness, equality, solidarity, decolonialism, and democratic participation. An inclusive, participatory process is not an end in itself, it serves a purpose of change: it targets the systemic nature of social injustice. Core values guide the process and prevent it from being hijacked by anti-democratic, authoritarian agendas. “Inclusion” captures the quality of the interpersonal relations involved: to what degree do individuals feel valued in their uniqueness while being part of critical organisational processes such as access to information and resources, involvement in work groups and/ or ability to influence decision-making processes. Geographic inclusion as conceived by INSPIRE consists of a comprehensive approach to build inclusive gender equality policies considering specificities of social and political contexts and building on past experiences and practices, including those situated outside Western and Eurocentric genealogies of knowledge. (INSPIRE policy brief 1).

Intersectionality is a theory, methodology and analytic tool that exposes the interlocking systems of oppression and privilege, power relations and social inequalities that occur on multiple axes including but not limited to gender, ethnicity and race, social and economic status, sexual orientation, disability and age. It focuses on the interlocking nature of inequalities at an individual, interpersonal and structural level and how they mutually reinforce itself (Breslin, Pandey, and Riccucci 2017; Collins 1990; Athena SWAN 2021; Council of Europe 2023; Crenshaw 1989; Holvino, 2010; Beeckmans et al, 2023; Van Laer et al, 2023).

In order to ensure the effectiveness of GEPs in their aim to facilitate organisational change for a greater equality, GEPs should be based on an inclusive participatory process whilst integrating an intersectional perspective.  iGEPs should be developed and implemented through participatory processes involving diverse organisational stakeholders. It is crucial to engage decision-makers, implementers, and key target groups (staff, and students) particularly underrepresented minority groups in the planning and implementation phases. iGEPs should apply an intersectional framework throughout data gathering, the design of objectives and actions, as well as implementation (monitoring) and evaluation to tackle the interlocking systems of oppression and privilege, power relations and social inequalities that occur on multiple axes including but not limited to gender, ethnicity and race, social and economic status, sexual orientation, disability and age.